Pebble Cornelian drop bracelet

Published: April 13th, 2008

Pebble Cornelian drop bracelet

Pebble Cornelian drop bracelet
The vibrant colours in the cornelian drop bracelet by Pebble are sure to cheer you up. Wear this bracelet on a dark gloomy day as a way to liven your spirits. Or if you’re feeling a little down, simply fasten the button loop detail of this bracelet to your wrist and you’ll almost feel the happy energy from the bracelet seep through your skin. Wear with the matching orange cornelian necklace for an added pick-me-up. Pebble jewellery is known for using natural, organic materials. This makes it the perfect jewellery line for the person with allergies to even the purest metals. Pebble jewellery is typically made out of precious stones like turquoise, white agate, onyx and cornelian like this bracelet, or out of seeds, shells, coral, pearls, wood, and limited amounts of silver. Materials are carefully sourced from all around the world in places like the Philippians, China, the Pacific Islands, Brazil, Thailand, India, Africa and Afghanistan. The design philosophy behind Pebble jewellery is to let the natural beauty of the materials speak for themselves and not loose this natural beauty in complicated designs. This stunning 19 cm cornelian drop necklace would fit this philosophy.

Click here for pricing and additional information about Pebble Cornelian drop bracelet


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